Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Using Bacteria to Break Down Spilt Oil

The article is about how researchers have found micro organisms that are believed to be able to degrade oil spills. The Cycloclasticus spirillensus is a bacteria that can breakdown petrochemical in a oil spill. It is interesting to see hjow this particular organism can breakdown oils with oxygen or without oxygen. The amounts of Cycloclasticus spirillensus that can actually breakdown oil contamination are less than those that can with oxygen. Now, researchers are thinking about using these bacterias to clean up oil spills naturally.

Posted by Irwin Castro


  1. I think this discovery will bring a breeze of optimism amongst environmentalists since the bacterias would be beneficial in suppressing water pollutants of which most are caused by oil spillage.If the degree of water pollution decreases it would also decrease the rate of animals poisoned by the pollutants.
    Hopefully a efficient method will be found to take advantage of these bacterias!


  2. Trying to find a way to clean up oil spills naturally is a great idea. The only thing i would be concerned about would be the effects of adding such a large amount of bacteria to that ecosystem until its potential effects have been studied thoroughly.

  3. The bacteria sounds like it could be very effective in cleaning up oil spills considering it can break down oil without oxygen. Also, this bacteria can break down more oil than bacteria that require oxygen. I think research should continue to use this bacteria to fight oil spills!

    Alyssa Swanson

  4. Great article Irwin! This is a really interesting form of saving the sea life and other forms of life when the oil spills. I think this usage of bacteria will be very effective because it can break down oil without oxygen. I'm interested to see this idea take off in the future.

    Joe Katich

  5. This article gives hope to environmentalists that are looking to clean up oil spills with natural means that won't affect our environment in adverse ways. I found it very interesting that the bacteria can work effectively without oxygen. My only concern would be the possible unforeseen side effects that could result from introducing a new organism into an environment that did live their naturally.

    Bridget Malato

  6. This is very relevant, due to the giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico currently. They are attempting to keep it from reaching the coast as it would be really bad for the environment. Currently, they are attempting to do controlled burning, but there has been reports of a more eco-friendly method in the works. I wonder if that is the bacteria talked about in the article.

    Dora Moore
